On the Cutting Edge
Experience Counts
BMI Corporation is dedicated to bringing cutting edge aircraft technology to everyone.
With close to a century of experience behind us, we know how to make a difference in your product. BMI's engineers, both mechanical and aerospace, have been working in the aerospace industry for over 40 years. Our experience gives BMI the ability to apply its extensive knowledge base to your specific needs.
Learn more about the people that keep BMI Corporation on the cutting edge »
Popular Mechanics - December 2008 (page 19)
"The Quiet Return of Supersonics"
Read the article
The New York Times - October 30, 2008 (page 16)
"NASCAR Dreams and 18-Wheel Realities"
Read the article
Yahoo! Green - August 1, 2008
"Gleaning Green Transportation Ideas from NASCAR"
Read the article
Sports Illustrated - April 14, 2008 (page 14)
"The Winds of Change"
On-line article unavailable
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