Designing the Competitive Edge

There are approximately 1,300,000 Class 8 trucks (18 wheelers) that operate primarily on long haul routes. Currently each of these trucks drive 100,000+ miles each year and average only 6 mpg or less.
How much fuel would be saved by designing these trucks to get 9 mpg?
How many tons of CO2 emissions would be saved?
How much money would each truck save in fuel per year?
BMI, along with several partners, is designing a truck that does just that! learn more »
Visit the SmartTruck website
Who we are...

BMI Corporation employs some of the best engineers in the world applying cutting edge
aerospace technology to everything from ballistics to motorsports. Using some of the latest technology,
BMI works with companies to cost effectively develop the best possible product. BMI's services include Aerodynamic testing, cad design, manufacturing
and laser scanning.
Learn more about BMI's Services
Going green?
BMI Corporation has become a leading consultant for green efforts in transportation. Reducing the fuel use by cars, trucks and planes will make a large impact both environmentally as well as economically. Long haul trucks alone emit 423,000,000,000 lbs of CO2 annually!
BMI has a great deal of experience working on programs aimed at increases in fuel efficiency. This includes projects on the MD80, a commercial plug-in hybrid electric van with Bright Automotive and a Ford Motor Company concept car. In addition to these projects, BMI has put together a team to design and manufacture a new long-haul truck.